Through 11/16, head over to Target has Country Crock Spread for as low as $0.11 each! Use the 25% off Country Crock Spreads Target Cartwheel and a $0.75 Off One Country Crock Product from the 11/6 Red Plum insert to bring down your out of pocket price. Plus, submit your receipt for $0.75 Cash Back from Checkout51! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (1) Country Crock Spread (15 oz) = $2.14
Use 25% off Country Crock Spreads Cartwheel (x11/16) = -$0.53
And use $0.75/1 Country Crock Product (Rp 11/6, x12/4) = -$0.75
Pay: $0.86
Submit for $0.75/1 Country Crock Checkout 51
Final Price: $0.11