(Deal ends when coupon expires) Head over to Dollar Tree and snag FREE SuperPretzel Bites! Simply grab one bag for $1 and use the $1.00 off one coupon from the 1/22 RedPlum insert. Check it out:
► Buy (1) SuperPretzel Bites (9 oz) = $1.00
Use (1) $1/1 SuperPretzel Product (RP 1/22, x3/22) = -$1.00
(or use $0.75/1 SuperPretzel Product coupon)
Final Price: FREE
Check out more Dollar Tree deals here. And see the current list of Dollar Tree Freebies & Deals here. You can also access all Dollar Tree deals by clicking on "Store Deals" from the site menu above and selecting on "Dollar Tree".
Coupon states not valid on 7oz-9oz stand up bags. I sent you a pic via email Tina.
Hey Ben. Thanks for the heads up. I got the email and I’ve expired the post. 🙂
My coupon say no to these bag in small print at the bottom.
no,you are right, the coupon was only for 0.50 cents off not $1 off ,therefor they are 0.50 each
Am I the only one who didn’t get the $1 off coupon for this?