VIDEO: This deal was explained in this video. Click here to watch it
(Sale ends 7/16) Target has Country Time Lemonade and Kool-Aid Drink Mix on sale for $2.00 through July 16. Print this $0.55 off one Country Time, Kool-Aid, or Tang coupon and use the 15% Off Country Time Target Cartwheel Offer to get them for only $1.15:
► Buy (1) Country Time Drink Mix (8 qt) = $2.00
(or Kool Aid, Tang Drink Mix)
Use (1) $0.55/1 Country Time, Kool-Aid, or Tang = -$0.55
And use 15% Country Time Cartwheel Offer = -$0.30
(or 15% Kool Aid Cartwheel Offer)
Final Price: $1.15