(Deal ends 2/3) Head over to Target for a great deal on Irish Spring Body Wash! You’ll be able to get a FREE $5 Target Gift Card when you buy four of these. Buy four bottles and use four $1.00 off one Irish Spring Body Wash coupon to score them for only $1.74 each! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (4) Irish Spring Body Wash @$3.99/ea = $15.96
Use (4) $1/1 Irish Spring Body Wash coupon = -$4.00
Pay: $11.96
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card for buying 4
Final Price: $1.74 each or $6.96 for all four
You can also score a great deal on Softsoap Body Wash Twin Packs when you buy two of these and two Irish Spring Body Washes! Use a FREE $5 Target Gift Card along with two $1.00 off one Irish Spring Body Wash coupon and two $0.75/1 Softsoap Body Wash to score them for only $2.81 each! Check it out:
► Buy (2) Softsoap Body Wash Twin Packs @$5.89/ea = $11.78
► Buy (2) Irish Spring Body Wash @$3.99/ea = $7.98
Subtotal: $19.76
Use (2) $0.75/1 Softsoap Body Wash = -$1.50
And use (2) $1/1 Irish Spring Body Wash coupon = -$2.00
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card for buying 4
Final Price: $2.81 each or $11.26 for all four
(or $1.87 per bottle)