(Deal Ends 12/10) Head over to Target where you can score a nice deal on DiGiorno Pizza! These are on 2 for $10 sale, and after you use Buy 2 Get 1 FREE DiGiorno Pizzas coupon and pair it with 25% Off DiGiorno Pizza Cartwheel Offer, the final price goes down to just $2.08 – regularly $5.49! Check out the breakdown below:
► Buy (3) DiGiorno Pizzas @2/$10 = $15
Use (1) Buy 2 Get 1 FREE DiGiorno Pizzas = -$5.00
Use 25% Off DiGiorno Pizzas Cartwheel (x12/10) = -$3.75
Final price: $2.08 each or $6.25 for all three