Updated with new Coupon!
(Sale ends 11/7) Head to Rite Aid for a deal on Nasacort 24 Hour Spray! It’s on sale for $18.99 this week through 11/7. Plus, there’s a high value $6.00 off one Nasacort Spray coupon and a $3.00 off one Nasacort Rite Aid coupon. In addition, you can submit for a $5.00 MobiSave cash back to make your final price only $4.99! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (1) Nasacort 24 Hour Spray (120 ct) = $18.99
Use (1) $6/1 Nasacort Spray 120 ct = -$6.00
(or $5/1 Nasacort Spray 120ct)
And use (1) $3/1 Nasacort Rite Aid Coupon = -$3.00
(first 10,000 people only)
Pay: $9.99
Submit receipt to MobiSave for $5.00 cash back
Final Price: $4.99
Check out more Rite Aid deals here. You can also access all Rite Aid deals by clicking on “Store Deals” from the site menu above and selecting on “Rite Aid”.