(Sale ends 4/25) Well Beginnings Infant formula is on sale at Walgreens through 4/25 for Buy 1 Get 1 Free. Use a high value $5.00 off one Well Beginnings Infant Formula coupon (take quiz & select “Walgreens” as your store) to get two tubs for just $1.50 each! Check out the breakdown below:
As usual, you may print two like coupons per computer/device! 🙂
► Buy (2) Well Beginnings Infant Formula (8 oz) @$7.99/ea = $15.98
Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale = -$7.99
Use (1) $5/1 Well Beginnings Infant Formula = -$5.00
(answer questions and pick Walgreens for store)
Final Price: $1.50 each ($2.99 for both)
*Be sure to check out more great deals at Walgreens!
I went to the walgreens and I am confused. I don’t see a sale in the sales add and there was no sign posted. Could you please help me out? Did you spot this? all I’ve encountered is people unsure….or is this sale so good walgreens is taking down the signs?
Not all sales are signed. What you can do next time is bring the product to cashier for a price check. They will tell you if this is a buy 1 get 1 free sale or not.
I’ve tried this on two different computers today and it will not print. It keeps telling me to update my Java and I have done that and countless other things trying to get it to work. Any tips to help me out? Ty
Im not really sure. I have issues on some computers printing some coupons too. I don’t have a good solution. Maybe try restarting computer after installing the java? Or try using a different web browser, like Firefox.