• HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! Giveaway: Win Free Hello Fresh Box ($69 Value) – 3 Winners

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    April Fools Giveaway

    Hi! This giveaway has ended. Winners will be announced soon!

    Note: If you got here from a product, that product does not exist. 🙂 It’s a joke. Happy April Fools!

    Happy April Fools!! Time for a quick giveaway! We’re giving away a Free Box of Hello Fresh ($69 Value) to 3 people today! Sponsored by Hello Fresh.  Keep reading on how to enter below. Giveaway ends on April 2nd at 9am PST. (And No, the Giveaway is not a prank lol)

    If you’re not familiar with Hello Fresh, I am a huge fan of the service! It’s something I subscribe to and love. Every week, you get a box of fresh ingredients pre-measured and pre-proportioned to make 3 delicious meals for 2 people (or 4 people). Included in the box are the recipe cards for each meal.  I have learned so much over the last few months thru the service about cooking, not to mention we’re trying new foods and recipes I’d never do on my own. (Scroll down to see pics of some of my past meals)


    The cost works out to be roughly $10 per person per meal. While it isn’t for everyone, I treat it like the tuition of my very own “cooking school”, plus it’ll be cheaper than eating out. And my family seriously think I’m some kind of gourmet chef. 🙂 Fo’ shizzle!

    Anyway, if you are new, use code B4N6ZE at HelloFresh to save $40 Off Your first box. Making your first box for 2-Adults just $29! You’ll love it.

    How to Enter in Giveaway:

    To Enter into the Giveaway, do the following:

    • Leave a comment below on this blog post. – You can tell me anything. 🙂 Tell me about some April Fools prank you’ve seen, or you’ve done, or you would like to do. Or tell me what your favorite meals are.  Or tell me your favorite stores to coupon or shop at. Easy. (Limit 1 per person)
    • (Bonus Entries) Share on Social Media – Share or Repost one of our posts on Facebook, or Instagram, or Twitter. Then leave a comment with a link to your social post. (You can repost each offer once on social media. But no limit to how many offers you share.)
    • Do a little dance – for good luck! 🙂 – I’ll be selecting 3 winners at random on Thursday, April 2nd, after 9am PST.

    Here are some pictures of meals I’ve made from Hello Fresh. hehe..


    If you are new, use code B4N6ZE at HelloFresh to save $40 Off Your first box. Making your first box for 2-Adults just $29!

    Join 287 Comments Here More Giveaways
    287 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I love to make a fresh veggie and chicken stir fry!! It’s one way to get my littles to eat vegetables!!!

    2. 0

      Your posts were too funny. I only got to prank 1 person today, but it was still fun!

    3. -1

      I would be so excited to win this giveaway! Sounds like such a great way to learn new cooking skills without much of the leg work. Thank you!

    4. -2

      I am brand new to this website but fit right in. I feel special and excited to receive all these custom deals. I wish I would’ve thought if this website myself, congratulations!!
      Thank you for having me and I don’t have Facebook so I probably can’t win but wanted to reach out anyway. Please accept my humble thank you for this gem and hopefully I can win something special soon.

    5. -3

      We don’t really do any pranks on April Fools because its my mother in laws birthday. She got a lot of gag gifts growing up so it’s just a birthday day. 🙂

    6. -4

      You got me, just how my dad used to do trick on 4/1, and before I realized what the truth meaning of my birthday( April Fools day)> I used to hate it so much and always wanted to know ” why isn’t it a V-day or Xmas-day so I can get a double gifts hehehe. My dad promised me on my birthday I would get the stuffs I wish, but it never happens and I couldn’t get upset at him because it was a Fool day. Until this day, he still does little trick on me.

    7. -5

      Hilarious posts on IG today! My wife was already thinking about white elephant gifts for Xmas 😀

    8. -6

      If I could meet any celebrity in the world it would be Betty White. That is all.

    9. -7

      I had a doubt that this might be a April Fool not a real giveaway. So excited. It is a giveaway

    10. -8

      Nerf post got me! I would actually want so and set it up in a room for fun! Haha

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