• $40 (Reg $60) Fujifilm Mini Instant Camera + Free 10pk Film

    Hurry over to Walmart right now and score a sweet deal on the very popular Fujifilm Mini 7S Instant Camera with a Free 10-pack Fujifilm Mini Film! This is regularly priced at $59.99, but is now on sale for only $40 + Free Store Pickup! If you are interested, run and get yours now! 🙂

    Check out more Walmart deals here. And see the current list of Walmart In-Store Freebies & Deals here.

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  • 8 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I bought mine yesterday anyway (it rang for $40,00 and plus $2,00 for taxes) and if it happen of me finding a better deal later on, I can always return it if I haven’t used it by that time. Thank you

    2. 0

      It was only $40 for me! And I got my friend to buy one too and made her get a gift card through raise (with my code), so with taxes, I got it for about $37 🙂

    3. -1

      Actually they’re priced at $40, I just bought mine! Thanks, Tina!

    4. -2

      Hello Tina! First, let me say that I am sooo extremely sorry about your instagram account. I just know was able to watch your periscope while I’m working and it broke my heart, I was about to cry with you. I really hope things turn out fine and even if you aren’t able to get the account back, just know that you will have all of our support and we’ll all follow you again!!
      Ok, now I just wanted to have your opinion on this deal, since blackfriday is coming I am not sure if I’d get a better price than this and i’m on the fence whether I should or shouldn’t buy the camera right now or wait. What do you think?
      Thank you!!

      • -2.1

        Hey Jessica. Thanks so much for your sweet comment. 🙂 As for the camera, it’s hard to say. I’ve been patiently waiting for the black Friday ads to come out. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer and you’ll be able to see if there is a better deal. 🙂

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