• Walmart Spring Beauty Box ONLY $5 + FREE Shipping

    Head over to Walmart to grab their Spring Beauty Box for just $5 + FREE Shipping! By signing up, you’ll receive a FREE Beauty Box each season packed with seven deluxe samples – just pay $5 in shipping costs! Samples included vary from face masks, bath bombs and haircare products!

    Note: This is a subscription offer. If you choose to participate in this Beauty Box Program, you will continue to receive a box approximately once each subscription period until you cancel your subscription.

    In addition, you can get this limited edition Men’s Grooming Bag for just $7 + FREE Shipping ($21 value)! Each bag contains body wash, antiperspirants, razors and haircare products!


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  • 40 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I love my Walmart Beauty box subscription, I also enjoy getting the Target boxes, I used to have Birch Box , Sephora and Allure , but to many repeats, so I just get Walmart and Target.

    2. 0
      Sheila Miller :

      I was charged for my Beauty Box on April 30th. Today, 5/9/18, I still have not received it. What is going on?

      • 0.1

        Hey Sheila, have you received an email confirmation? Once you receive your shipping confirmation, it usually takes 5-10 business days to receive the box. If not, you can check the status of your order on the “Orders” tab of your account. Hope this helps!

    3. -1

      I have had a subscription for almost two years. I just received the fall box after they charged me in November. Still no word of when I will get the winter box. Be warned of the long and untold wait time.

    4. -2

      Hmmmm lots of people asking for a way to contact beauty box. I have not seen any comments that confirm the ability to have contacted or canceled orders successfully. The old saying , Buyer beware! So I’m going to pass.

    5. -3

      I thought I cancelled my subscription but tried to log in to another account and it says my original subscription is still active but I can’t find my beauty box tracking info

    6. -4

      How hard is it to cancel?

    7. -5

      i Have not reCIEVED my fall or winter WALMART BEAUTY BOX ( MY ACCOUNT HAS BEEN DEBITED)

    8. -6

      I ordered the Walmart beauty box to give my daughter for Christmas. She’s only 11, but loves playing dress up.

    9. -7

      What is the number of customer service for the walmart Beauty Box program?

    10. -8
      mahsheed Thompson :

      I once ordered a beauty box from Walmart online . I don’t understand why they are sending me another one ?! I was not even happy with the first one .
      Please cancel any upcoming shipment and do NOT send me any more !

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