Never Pay Full Price on Baby Stuff. Join my Baby Deals Facebook Page to be notified of hot deals for Baby, Toddler and Kids. And turn on Text Alerts to be notified of urgent deals.Hurry over to Walmart to score this Graco Travel System in Pammie for only $89 + FREE Shipping – regularly $160! This comes with an infant car seat (birth-30 pounds) and lightweight stroller (up to 40 pounds). If you’re looking for a different style/model, check out these other Graco systems on sale:
- $89 (Reg $139) Graco Literider LX Travel System in Etcher
- $89 (Reg $150) Graco LiteRider Travel System in Chalk Art
- $99 (Reg $160) Graco Comfy Cruiser Travel System (other color options)
- $99 (Reg $186) Graco Verb Travel System
Note that shipping is FREE with all of these orders, or opt for FREE Store Pickup at your local store.
Check out more Walmart deals here. And see the current list of Walmart In-Store Freebies & Deals here.