Get the McDonald’s app for your smartphone now and claim your Free Large Sandwich the next time you visit a McDonald’s restaurant! You will get great deals through the app, and you will only have to show your smartphone with the deal to a crew member in the restaurant!
From their website: Want an offer? Just click “redeem” when you’re ordering and show your device to the crew member at the register before time runs out. (We’re talking 2 minutes.)
I am asking you why you don’t offer a second diet sodalike Diet Dr Pepper sense you have you have ok did you have regular Dr Pepper. you have no realization that all your juices hab sugar in them and not everybody can have ice tea or coffee and they can’t have milk products either it would be nice since your competitors all have a second diet soda thank you Jean
Hi Jean! 🙂 I will keep this in mind while looking for offers. I appreciate your feedback. -Tina