Note: This coupon is still available!
(Coupon expires 9/30) Print a Buy One Get One Free White Cloud 3 Ply Bath Tissue coupon if you haven’t already! Walmart has it regularly priced at $1.97, so when you buy two you will get them for only $0.99 per 4-pack! See the breakdown below:
► Buy (2) 4-pk 3 Ply White Cloud Bath Tissues @$1.97/ea = $3.94 Use (1) BOGO Free White Cloud 3 Ply Bath Tissue = -$1.97
Final Price: $0.99 each, or $0.25 per 3 ply roll
The picture shows 2ply but coupon says 3ply
I have went to our local Walmart the past few weeks with coupons similar to this one, and they have been out of the 1.97, but have the larger package for 5.97, do I speak to management about this or just get the big package..??
It’s up to you Claudine. The coupon takes $1 off the total. So if you get the larger packs, adjust your math accordingly.
The link pulls up the wrong coupon. It pulls up a $1 off Angel Soft. Please fix…this is a great coupon.
Use zip code 77477 then hit refresh it should be there 🙂
Oh weird. It shows up as White Cloud for me. Have you printed the coupon already? If not, try updating the zip to 77477 and then re-click on the link. See if that pulls up the coupon.