My Starbucks Rewards members! From 12/12 through 12/21, Starbucks is offering extra Bonus Stars for select members! By buying and redeeming star codes included with ground, whole bean, or Starbucks VIA Coffee you’ll earn 3 Bonus Stars! They sent this out in an email so double check your messages to be sure you got it as I am not 100% sure everyone with a registered card gets it. You can redeem the offer up to 4 times and your Bonus Stars will be delivered by 1/2/15 via email.
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I guess these deals vary account to account? I received the same offer, but mine is for 3 bonus stars on cake and 4 bonus stars on a Frap! I’ve already used it twice and gotten 16 stars!
Yeah, they tend to vary by accounts. That’s awesome!! So happy to hear!