Hey You! So I launched my NEW YouTube Channel last week. Make sure to Hit the Subscribe Button to be notified of future videos (I’ve got some fun videos coming up – in the making as I type this).
I didn’t mention it here yet, since I was kind of embarrassed. LOL. Seriously. Making videos is hard and watching yourself on these videos is even harder. You never quite get used to it. Hopefully, with more practice, I’ll get better at it.
Anyway, the first set of videos is a Free Online Coupon Class for beginner couponers. Go here to get started in learning How to Coupon. In the future, you can access this training series from the site menu. Just click “Beginner’s Guide” from the menu bar above to find it. If you have a friend who is new to couponing and would like to learn, please pass this link on to them.