This is available again, reposting as a reminder! 🙂
Freebie lovers! Head over here to snag yourself a Free Sample John Frieda Frizz Ease Hair Care! Just answer a couple of questions to see if you qualify! (Hint: answer “somewhat or extremely concerned” about frizzy hair) Then at the end of the survey fill out the form with your shipping information and your Freebie will arrive in 3-5 weeks 🙂
This is still available! You have to answer the first two questions as “Four” and “Extremely Concerned” to qualify! I saw this advice on another freebie site and it worked for me
Yeah, it still works. You have to answer the question to suggest that you have frizzy hair. 🙂
This is no longer available
Thanks. I’ll mark it as expired.
Tina how big is it? It still works for me. At first it says I do not qualify for the product. So I kept answering the first question and viola! I was headed on the survey and now I will just have to be wait. Thank you as always.
It’s a trial size pack. Not a full size pack. But it’s free. 🙂