• Free Meta Bars Multipack at CVS + Moneymaker

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    Note: This deals ends today – reposting as a reminder! 🙂

    (Sale ends 6/20) This week at CVS, Meta Health Bars (6-ct) will be on sale for $8.49, and you’ll be able to use a $8.49 off one Meta Health Bars coupon printing from the CVS Coupon machine to score a Free Box! Use this $1.00 off one Meta Health Bars coupon, and submit your receipt for a $2.00 Meta Health Bars Ibotta to score a Moneymaker! Here’s the deal:

    $1.00 off ONE Meta Bars or Wafers

    ► Buy (1) Meta Health Bars (6-ct) = $8.49
    Use (1) $1/1 Meta Health Bars = -$1.00
    And use (1) $8.49/1 Meta Health Bars CVS coupon = -$8.49
    (scan CVS Card at CVS Coupon Machine)
    Pay: Nothing
    Submit Receipt for $2.00 Meta Bars Ibotta (x6/22)
    Final Price: Free + $2 Moneymaker

    Check out more CVS deals here. You can also access all CVS deals by clicking on “Store Deals” from the site menu above and selecting on “CVS”.

    Join 5 Comments Here More CVS Deals
    5 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      FYI I looked at my cvs coupon and mine doesnt end till 6/26…hopefully they restock and I can get it for like 1 something. plus they have an ibotta so I can get it for free. if not at least for $1 or something. 🙂

    2. 0

      AT my CVS store Meta bars were out of stock by Sunday (6/14) afternoon itself,and they never seems to be filled the item again till the deal ends,so no use even if you get the coupon also……(I got mine but no use)…

    3. -1

      Hi Tina at my store the Meta bars where at a price 9.48 or something like that but I scan my card on the red box machine n did not get the 8..49 coupon do u know if I need to asked someone about it or how can I get it I been having the card for years. I dnk if that’s only for new members of the cvs card holders? Also the nutritional shakes where out and I asked if they had more they said no but I forgot to asked if they would get some more before the deal ends or how can I find out if they get more in stock

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