(Deal ends when coupons expire) If you haven’t already, be sure to print this high-value $1.50 off two Ziploc coupon to score some great savings at Walmart! Ziploc Sandwich Bags are regularly priced at $2.28, but when you stack the coupon, you’ll pay only $1.53 per box! Here’s the deal:
► Buy (2) Ziploc Bags (40 count) @$2.28/ea = $4.56
Use (1) $1.50/2 Ziploc Bags coupon = -$1.50
Final Price: $1.53 each or $3.06 for both
You can also score Ziploc Containers for just $1.57 at Walmart:
► Buy (2) Ziploc Containers (4 count) @$2.57/ea = $5.14
Use (1) $1/2 Ziploc Brand Containers = -$1.00
Pay: $4.14
Submit receipt for $1.00 cash back from Checkout51
(for purchasing two Ziploc Containers)
Final Price: $1.57 each or $3.14 for both
Check out more Walmart deals here. And see the current list of Walmart In-Store Freebies & Deals here.