Check out these great new coupons for gum! Print them out now and head to your nearest Walgreens and grab a great deal! Here are the coupons:
Then head to Walgreens and buy one Orbit or Eclipse Single Serve Gum (14-18 pcs) on sale for $0.69! Then use one $0.50 Off One Orbit or Eclipse Single Serve Coupon and pay only $0.19! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (1) Orbit or Eclipse Single Serve Gum (14-18 pcs) = $0.69
Use (1) $0.50/1 Orbit or Eclipse Single Serve = -$0.50
Final Price: $0.19
Check out other recent coupons here. Click here to browse all coupons. Start browsing by narrowing down each categories you are interested in getting coupons for.
New to Couponing at Walgreens? Go here for the Walgreens 101 Tutorial. Make sure to go thru this tutorial before attempting a coupon deal in stores. 🙂
* Check out more Walgreens deals here.