One more day to get this Freebie!
(Deal ends 3/13) Head over to Walmart and score FREE ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid, regularly priced at $4.97! Use the $1.00 off one ZzzQuil coupon and submit for a mail-in rebate that’ll cover purchase price (you’ll receive it on a prepaid card) to get this for Free:
► Buy (1) ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid (6 oz) = $4.97
Use (1) $1/1 ZzzQuil Product = -$1.00
(Or use $1/1 Vicks ZzzQuil (P&G 2/28, x3/26))
Pay: $3.97
Submit for Mail-In Rebate
Final Price: Free
Check out more Walmart deals here. And see the current list of Walmart In-Store Freebies & Deals here.