(Deal ends 11/5) This week at Walgreens, Cheez-It Crackers are on sale, 2 for $2.50. Purchase two and use two high-value $1.00 off one Keebler Products. You’ll pay $0.50, then submit your receipt for $0.75/2 Cheez-It Checkout51 Cash Back, making your final price FREE + $0.25 moneymaker. Check out the breakdown below:
► Buy (2) Cheez-It Crackers (3.47-6.5 oz) @ 2 for $2.50
Use (2) $1/1 Keebler Products = -$2.00
Pay: $0.50
Submit for $0.75/2 Cheez-It Checkout51 Cash Back (x11/2)
Final Price: FREE + $0.25 Moneymaker