(Deal ends when Cartwheel Expires 6/27) Head over to Target for a great deal on OxiClean Max Force Foam Laundry Pre-Treater! Use the 40% off OxiClean Laundry Additives Cartwheel Offer for some nice savings on this product. You can also submit your receipt for $1.00 OxiClean Ibotta cash back.
Plus, I spotted $1.00 off one manufacturer coupons on the bottles at my store. If your store has these peelie coupons, you can score this for just $0.23, or only $1.23 without the additional manufacturer peelie coupon! Here’s the breakdown:
►Buy (1) OxiClean Max Force Foam = $3.72
Use (1) $1/1 OxiClean Manufacturer/Peelie Coupon = $-1.00
(found on bottle at some stores)
And use 40% Off OxiClean Laundry Additives Cartwheel (x6/27) = -$1.49
Pay: $1.23
Submit for $1.00 Oxi Clean Ibotta cash back
Final Price: $0.23 each
(Or just $1.23 without peelie coupon)
Bought the oxi 1.41 OOP
Sweet. Glad you were able to get it. Thanks so much for sharing. 🙂