Get a free game download for Plants Vs Zombies (PC/Mac) – not redeemable until 10/30-11/10. Coupon code is PEAH8R
From the site: This Halloween, the American Dental Association and PopCap Games are redefining what a Halloween “treat” can be… by giving FUN instead of candy.
Ask if your local dentist has the limited-edition, collectible Plants vs. Zombies™ trading cards with the code for a free Plants vs. Zombies download game. Or, download printable free-game coupons here.
Then, give the cards or coupons away as a Halloween treat. With your help, we’ll prevent kids of all ages from getting Zombie Mouth!
Thank you, Welove Ourangels, for sending this great freebie our way!
6-7 yr olds as well like this?