As a recent college grad, and “on hold” graduate student (I deferred my graduate studies due to financial cost), I definitely represent a millennium of young adults all vying for satisfying full-time employment.
While a handful of friends rushed out of the starting gates and launched full-speed ahead into adult careers, many of us are taking a lot longer to join them. Some baby boomers say our generation is too “entitled” or “lazy” but, we’re far from it. Often times balancing exhausting waitressing, hostessing, or bartending hours with a never ending list of job applications, unpaid internship applications, and fellowship opportunities is a challenge. Let alone deal with the sting of endless no responses.
That being said, for those of us trying to build our professional careers, keeps our sanity and deal with the balancing act of life; there are a lot of months of living paycheck to paycheck.
Luckily, here are lists of ten easy ways to save a little more money, so you can at least treat yourself to a caramel macchiato along the way to that interview:
- Start writing: Join a blog site or look for other work at home! You can make $3 to $5 for editing, and writing your own work. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to work on your writing skills.
- Learn to cook: Even just one dinner at home per week is bound to save you a pretty penny.
- Downsize happy hour days: Everyone wants to socialize after work but sticking to one cocktail, or calling it a night in will certainly save you something.
- Get a roommate (or a smaller living space): It might be hard to live without a walk-in closet but it is do-able.
- Wash some clothes by hand: Even if it’s negligée, you can make that bottle of Tide last another wash cycle.
- Visit the library: I know there’s nothing more exciting than a new glossy biography of Tina Fey, Keith Richards, or collection of short stories but here in DC there’s a library in almost every neighborhood in town. Joining is free, reading is fun, and you can feel accomplished!
- Pack lunch: Even the laziest chefs can nibble on a classic peanut butter and jelly. Lunch sized baby carrots and individual packs of trail mix are available in most grocery stores. Next time you go out for lunch, it will feel like much more of a treat.
- Go to a concert for free: There are many websites that provide volunteer opportunities in exchange for a free ticket to major music festivals, and your favorite concerts.
- Streamline beauty routine: How many concealers do you really use? Are you going to wear all seven shades of lip gloss in your drawer? If you haven’t used it in over a year, toss it out!
- Eat breakfast: A giant container of oatmeal costs as little as $1.99 at most major grocery stores. It’s good for your heart, and can even be made in the microwave.
By Alexandra, Free Stuff Finder Contributor