(Sale ends 12/16) Target regularly sells Seventh Generation Boxed Diapers for $28.99 and they are on sale for Buy One Get One 25% Off this week. Plus, we have a 20% off Seventh Generation Diapers Target Cartwheel, a $4.00 off One Seventh Generation Target Cartwheel Coupon and a $2.00 off One Seventh Generation Diapers Coupon from RedPlum 4/2 to lower your price to only $17.29 each! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (2) Seventh Generation Boxed Diapers @$28.99/ea = $57.98
Buy One Get One 25% Off = -$7.25
Use (1) $4/1 Seventh Generation Diapers Target Cartwheel Coupon = -$4.00
And use $2/1 Seventh Generation Diapers (RP 4/2, x12/31) = -$2.00
And use 20% Off Seventh Generation Diapers Target Cartwheel (x12/16) = -$10.15
Final Price: $17.29 each or $34.58 for both
You can also score some great deals on Seventh Generation Baby Wipes through 12/16! The 256 Count is priced at $10.99 and the 64 count is priced at $2.89. Plus, we have a 20% Off Seventh Generation Baby Wipes Target Cartwheel and a $2.00 off One Seventh Generation Baby Wipes Target Cartwheel Coupon to score them both for only $9.10! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (1) Seventh Generation Baby Wipes (256 ct) = $10.99
► Buy (1) Seventh Generation Baby Wipes (64 ct) = $2.89
Subtotal: $13.88
Use (1) $2/1 Seventh Generation Baby Wipes Target Cartwheel Coupon (x12/31) = -$2.00
And use 20% Off Seventh Generation Baby Wipes Target Cartwheel (x12/16) = -$2.78
Final Price: $9.10 for the 256 Count + FREE 64 Count Wipes