Clearance alert! Visit your local Target store where you may be able to find Baker’s Chocolate Dessert Kits on clearance for just $1.98 – regularly $3.99. Plus, there’s currently a $1 cashback in Ibotta that will make your final price only 98¢! Best part – this cashback has a limit of 5, giving you an awesome and rare chance to stock up!
You might wanna check your store’s inventory on BrickSeek before going – head over here for the White Chocolate variety, here for Black Chocolate or Firecrackers and just type in your zip code to check.
► Buy 1 Baker’s Chocolate Dessert Kit = $1.98 (Reg $4)
(DPCIs # 261-05-0475, 261-05-0474 & 261-05-0473)
Pay: $1.98
Submit for $1/1 Baker’s No Bake Cookie Ball Kit Ibotta Cash Back (limit 5, x4/30)
Final Price: 98¢