• Earn FREE Cash, Gift Cards & Test Products


    Looking for an easy way to make some quick cash? What better way than to be paid to test and review free products! Join Ipsos I-Say to complete fun surveys and test products shipped to you for free! You get to keep the items, and get paid in cash and gift cards just for sharing your opinion! Surveys include brands, entertainment, advertising, and more.

    Here’s What To Do:

    Each survey has a set number of points you’ll receive for taking it, plus you’ll receive bonus points for each survey you complete in addition! That makes it easy to rack up the points in no time! Members have said they used Ipsos to help save up for summer vacations and Christmas shopping!


    To cash out, simply hit the 500 point minimum (most surveys pay 75 points, so you’ll get there in no time!) then “Rewards” at the top of the page. Cash your points in for Visa prepaid cards, Amazon gift cards, PayPal, Starbucks gift cards, and more!


    Join 19 Comments Here More Paid Surveys
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  • 19 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I’ve been trying to get the Bed,Bath and Beyond card that I earned from Ipos/Isay for a year now. I’ve emailed several times and gotten no reply.

    2. 0

      I just want to try new products and keep then send my review every survey I’ve done over 100 times ask same question and never over a half of a year received anything not one sample

      • 0.1

        Hi Kathy. I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t had any luck with samples yet. I don’t get every one that I apply for either, but I have received tons over the years. Keep trying, I’m sure you’ll get something soon. 🙂

    3. -1

      It would not let me sign up. Supposably they are looking for a different demographic.

    4. -2

      Do you have any experience with them Tina? Like is it a safe site to trust and etc.. I read the reviews posted on here but i’m always iffy on survey sites..

    5. -3

      I tried clicking on the “join here” but it didn’t direct me to the site.

    6. -4

      Being aged 60…seems as if we are no longer needed. Never qualify for any surveys.

    7. -5

      I’ve had a really good experience with this company, I have gotten Starbucks gift cards like crazy. I have received full size products to try out. I reccomend it!

    8. -6

      I just wanted to post that I’ve had pretty good luck recently with their surveys. I was actually surprised! I signed up in May and some do run you in circles just to tell you that you don’t qualify, but I’ve had a few test product surveys come in the past 2 weeks that are $25+ each after completion! 1 is a week long fragrance study I just received in the mail today, another is for shampoo that I’m supposed to get in the mail soon, and then I have 2 panel surveys that I’m going to be apart of next week that will pay $25 and $50 for feedback over the phone!

      • -6.1

        Hey Liz. I’m so happy to hear that you’ve had success with them. Thanks so much for sharing. 🙂

      • -6.2

        hey I’ve tried a few survey sites that I didn’t stick with long bc of the time I felt like I was wasting after spending so much time filing out a survey& getting disqualified.I signed up for them in the first place bc I was mainly only interested in the free products for review. do u HAVE TO do surveys to be able to do the studies¿and if so did u personally fill outa lot of them?

    9. -7

      I have not had very good luck with this company the surveys tend to run you around in a circle before payout. I’m sticking with PineCone research they payout quick and are legit

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