(Deal ends when cash back expires) Head to Walmart where Reach Waxed Floss Packs are regularly priced at 97¢. You can pick up a pack and submit for $1.00 Listerine or Reach Floss Products Ibotta Cash Back to get it for FREE! Check out the easy breakdown below:
► Buy (1) Reach Waxed Floss (55 yds) = $0.97
Pay: $0.97
Submit for $1/1 Listerine or Reach Floss Products (limit 5, x7/11)
Final Price: FREE + $0.03 Moneymaker
If you want to stock up, you can redeem this rebate up to 5 times! So you can pick up 5 Reach Flosses and submit for five $1.00 off one Reach Floss Product Ibotta Cash Back to get them for FREE + 15¢ Moneymaker!
► Buy (5) Reach Waxed Floss (55 yds) @$0.97/ea = $4.85
Pay: $4.85
Submit for (x5) $1/1 Listerine or Reach Floss Products (limit 5, x7/11)
Final Price: FREE + $0.15 Moneymaker
Check out more Walmart deals here. And see the current list of Walmart In-Store Freebies & Deals here.
.75c here but still definitely a stock up price.