Through 8/26, hop on over to Target where you can score a great deal on Cleaning Products! Through this week when you buy 5 select Lysol, Mr. Clean, Scrubbing Bubbles, Windex, Drano or Pledge items you will be getting FREE $5 Target Gift Card. Combine that with $1.50 Off Two Windex Products coupon, $0.50 Off One Windex Foaming Glass Cleaning Product coupon and several coupons from SmartSource 7/30 and 8/20 inserts to make yourself some nice deals on Windex products! Check out the breakdowns below:

Use (2) $1.50/2 Windex Products Coupon = -$3.00
(or $1.50/2 Windex Original & Multisurface SS 8/20, x9/30)
And use (1) $0.50/1 Windex Product (SS 7/30, x9/10) = -$0.50
(or $0.50/1 Windex Product SS 8/20, x9/30)
Pay: $12.10
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.42 each or $7.10 for all five
► Buy (5) Windex Foaming Glass Cleaner @$2.99/ea = $14.95
Use (2) $1.50/2 Windex Products Coupon = -$3.00
And use (1) $0.50/1 Windex Foaming Glass Cleaning Product = -$0.50
Pay: $11.45
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.29 each or $6.45 for all five
Additionally, you can score some nice deals as well on Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaners using $3.00 Off Two and $0.75 Off One coupons from the 7/30 SmartSource insert. Check it out:
► Buy (5) Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaners @$2.99/ea = $14.95
Use (2) $1.50/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaning Product (SS 7/30, x9/10) = -$3.00
And use (1) $0.75/1 ScrubbinG Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Product (SS 7/30, x9/10) = -$0.75
Pay: $11.20
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.24 each or $6.20 for all five
Also snag a great price on Fabuloso Cleaners as well with no coupons needed !You’ll score them for just $1.87 each after gift card! Check it out:
► Buy (5) Famuloso Cleaning Solution @$2.87/ea = $14.35
Pay: $14.35
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.87 each or $9.35 for all five
Grab a sweet deal on Lysol Automatic Toilet Cleaner too! After two $0.50 off one Lysol Toilet Bowl Clean Coupons from Smart Source 7/30 and two $0.50 off two Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner Coupons from Smart Source 7/30, you’ll pay just $1.59 each after gift card! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (5) Lysol Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner @$2.99/ea = $14.95
Use (2) $0.50/1 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner (SS 7/30, x9/10) = -$1.00
And use (2) $0.75/1 $0.50/2 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner (SS 7/30, x9/10) = -$1.00
Pay: $12.95
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.59 each or $7.95 for all five
Looking for a great deal on Murphy’s Oil Cleaning wipes? Grab 5 and score them for just $1.69 each after gift card – no coupons required!
► Buy (5) Murphy’s Oil Cleaning Wipes @$2.69/ea = $13.45
Pay: $13.45
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.69 each or $8.45 for all five
You can also snag Soft Scrub Cleaners for just $1.87 each after insert coupons, the 10% off soft scrub cartwheel, and gift card! Check it out:
► Buy (5) Soft Scrub Cleanser @$3.99/ea = $15.96
Use (4) $1/1 Soft Scrub Product (RP 8/6, x8/26) = -$4.00
And use 10% Off Soft Scrub Cleansers Target Cartwheel (x8/26) = -$1.60
Pay: $14.35
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.87 each or $9.35 for all five
Mix & Match
► Buy (2) Windex Multisurface Trigger Sprays @$3.12/ea = $6.24
► Buy (2) Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaners @$2.99/ea = $5.98
► Buy (1) Soft Scrub Cleanser = $3.99
Use (1) $1.50/2 Windex Products Coupon = -$1.50
(or $1.50/2 Windex Original & Multisurface SS 8/20, x9/30)
Use (1) $1.50/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaning Product (SS 7/30, x9/10) = -$1.50
And use (1) $1/1 Soft Scrub Product (RP 8/6, x8/26) = -$1.00
Pay: $12.21
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.44 each or $7.21 for all five
In our SS from 8-20 there is also ad for buy 2 Windex products get $20 to shop at shutterfly. for details
Sweet, thanks for the heads up, Stacy. I’ll have to go check this deal out. 🙂