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From the page: Here is your chance to receive 3 FREE issues packed with stories and information in Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. As a subscriber, you’ll also receive the coveted MRS section, which isn’t available in newsstand copies. In this members-only section, you’ll find:
Unit-by-unit and species-by species breakdowns of draw odds and harvest success rates in 11 Western states
Articles on wisest use of preference points and how to manage them
Honest, unbiased reports that streamline the info found on the various Western states’ wildlife agencies’ websites and proclamations
Breakdown of units by color according to rating
Priceless inside info on which units to steer clear of due to excessive predation, tough winters, over-harvesting, difficult access, downward trending, etc.
Plus much more!
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