(Through 6/17) You may want to check your Safeway Affiliate store J4U App! (Vons, Randalls, Pavilions, Tom Thumb, Carrs, Dominicks, Genuardi’s) You may possibly be able to score some of these products for free!
- It Tastes RAAW Juice
- KeVita Drink
- Xyience Mango Quava or Cherry Lime Energy Drink
- NOS Energy Drink
- Sun-Rype Fruit Source Bars
- Honest Kids Grape, Fruit Punch, or Lemon Organic Juice
- Horizon Organic Macaroni and Cheese
- Tostitos Fajita Scoops (Thanks reader Sandy for the tip!)
- Chiquita Bananas 1lb
Did you score any of these freebies on your app? Did I miss any? Let me know in the comments below 🙂
I received Tostistos Fajita Scoops