(Deal ends 8/11) Head over to CVS where they have Gold Emblem Abound Nut Bars on sale five for $5, or $1 each. As a deal idea, buy two and use this $2 off two Gold Emblem Abound Snack coupon to snag them for FREE! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (2) Gold Emblem Abound Nut Bar @$1/ea = $2
Use (1) $2/2 Gold Emblem Abound Snack Items = -$2
(or $2/2 Gold Emblem Abound Nut, Nut Blend or Trail Mix)
Final Price: FREE
OR you can get one free bar with this $1 off one Gold Emblem Abound Grocery or Beverage coupon:
► Buy (1) Gold Emblem Abound Nut Bar = $1
Use $1/1 Gold Emblem Abound Grocery or Beverage = -$1
Final Price: FREE
The $1/1 off coupon works great, but the $2/2 doesn’t ring up. They wouldn’t let me use it so I ended up just getting 1. There were also mixed nuts that were the 5 for $5 deal. They wouldn’t let me use two of the $1 coupons either because it said “1 coupon per customer.”
Hi Liz, sorry to hear you had issues. Hopefully you’ll be able to use that second coupon the next time you visit the store.