Get a Free iSatori Eat-Smart Protein Bar (full-sized, 80g) at GNC & Vitamin Shoppe locations. Just fill out the form on the right side of their page and check the box “Sign up to our eatsmart bar newsletter to get your free eatsmart bar”. The coupon will be emailed to you within a few minutes.
Your coupon will come in one email, confirmation for the newsletter will come in another. The confirmation email says “If you do not want to be added, do not click on the link.” If you don’t want the newsletter, do not click the link in the email confirming your subscription.
“To Access Your Coupon for your Free Eat-Smart bar, follow the link in the email, then just print out the coupon and take it to your nearest GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. There is no cost or obligation. Just a delicious Eat-Smart bar, with our compliments.”