Head over here and load this great coupon for $1.00 off one Lay’s Stax Chips onto your Kroger loyalty card! This great coupon can be used up to Five Times and can be used through 5/29! Plus, through 5/31, Kroger has Lay’s Stax Chips on sale at ten for $10 or $1.00 each! That means you can grab up to five Lay’s Stax Chips absolutely FREE! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (5) Lay’s Stax Chips (5.5-5.7 oz) @$1.00/ea = $5.00
Use (1) $1/1 Lay’s Stax Chips Digital Coupon (x5) = -$5.00
Final Price: FREE
Kroger Affiliate Stores Are: Kroger, Ralphs, Smiths, Fred Meyer, QFC, Frys, King Soopers, City Market, Dillons, Gerbes, Bakers, Hilander, JayC Food, Pay Less Food, Scotts. They all tend to have similar sales, although the pricing may vary by region. When we refer to "Kroger" we are referring to all Kroger Affiliate stores in general. Check your local affiliate store for pricing.
* Check out more Kroger Affiliate deals here.