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30gd00 – Sublime Mousse (Pure Light Blond Color #90)
12CN01 – Healthy Look Crème Gloss
Feria #36 HE192
Feria #56 12G600
Feria #67 12G400
Superior Preference #4R Dark Auburn 12G401
Preference shade 5 12F900
Preference shade 5 HE288
Preference shade 5 12G502
Preference shade 5 12G606
Preference shade 5A 12G800
Preference shade 6 12H104
Preference shade 6 12F509
Sublime Mousse (20V): 30H204 , 30GN04, 30H102, 30H300
Root Rescue: 12G403, 12G4UU,
Superior Preference: 20V 12H401, 4A 12H401
Superior Preference: 4a 12H500
Feria: 25V 12G000
I love L”oreal
Hi! I did the L’oreal codes yesterday and completed it, and was told I would be sent and e-mail with my coupon for a free box…it never came to my inbox…very disappointed..How do I contact someone about this? Thank you
Love, Loreal products!!!!! They r so ture.