(Deal ends 1/31) My Goodness! Soup is regularly priced for $4.49 at Target. Submit your receipt for $4.50 Ibotta Cash Back to get it for Free! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (1) My Goodness! Soup (15 oz) = $4.49
Pay: $4.49
Submit for $4.50 Cash Back from Ibotta (x1/31)
Final Price: Free
How do I send in my receipt to ibotta?
Hi Kim. You can take a picture of it and upload it to the app. 🙂 Or for some stores you can just scan the receipt. Hope that helps. 🙂
FYI this product is regional. It looks like Dallas, Houston, TX area and parts of South Florida is the only place you’ll find it. So if you are in So-Cal, NYC, or Boston, don’t waste your time going to Target looking for it.
FYI this product is also not organic and also has GMO’s in case anyone opposes that kind of stuff. I just checked the website.
Hey Cristy. Thanks for the tip. I really appreciate it. 🙂