Right now, you can score a FREE Snickers Bar Mobile Coupon, valid on Snickers, Snickers Almond, Snickers Peanut Butter Squared, Snickers Crisper or Snickers & Hazelnut Bar, with the maximum value of $1.49! The coupon is valid through November 5th, and at select stores only. To get this freebie, simply go over to Snickers Facebook page and follow the instructions below:
- Open up the Snickers Facebook page
- Click the ‘Send Message’ button
- Click the ‘Get Started’ button in the chat window
- Opt for Hunger Handoff! option
- Click on Sign me up!
- Click Yes!
- Click Got it
- Click the ‘Redeem now’ button
- A new window with the offer will pop up and you’ll have to use your mobile device to open the link
- Choose a nearby store and you will be able to redeem your mobile coupon there
How do you open the link for the free snickers on your cell phone?
Hi Alan! Once you have completed the steps outlined in our post, open Facebook Messenger on your phone and you’ll see the offer. Hope this helps!
Any store suggestions to redeem..
Hi Sindhuja! Once you get the coupon and open from your phone, if you turn on location settings it will show you places near you to redeem the coupon. Hope this helps! 🙂