Get a Free engraved chalice from Stella Artois! We’ve received 2 of these so far and they are very nice!
You need to be over 21 to request one and must have a code from specially marked Stella products. Or, to request a free Code without making a purchase, hand print your first and last name, complete mailing address (no PO Boxes), and age on a 3” x 5” index card or piece of paper and place your request into an outer-mailing envelope with proper postage affixed and mail it to:
Stella Artois Custom Engraved Chalice Code Request
PO Box 753256, El Paso, TX 88575-3256.
Only one (1) request per envelope. Limit one (1) Code request per person. Requests must be received by March 15, 2013. Neither the Sponsor nor any of its agencies are responsible for illegible, lost, late, damaged, incomplete, postage-due or misdirected mail or Code requests.Void in TX.
You can also request one HERE