Yay! You know how much we love coupons that result in free stuff. 🙂 Here’s a chance to grab some printable coupons to get Wet-n-Wild nail polish or silk lipstick for free. At many stores you can find Wet-n-wild nail color and lipstick for $0.99s. Using this $1 off coupon will make them Free.
Here are the steps to claiming the coupon:
- Click here to go to RedPlum
- Where it says “Enter your Zip Code”, click on the “CHANGE” button. Enter the zipcode: 90210
- Look for the “$1.00 OFF wet n wild” coupon. I found it on the second page (bottom, left column). The coupon looks like this photo below:
- Check the “PRINT” on coupon. Click on “Get Selected Coupons” button
- Once you have the printed coupon. Bring it with you next time you go shopping.
Not there anymore
love this coupon. 🙂
This did not work…
‘Wet ‘N Wild denied by subscription limit.”
I had to install the printer, my 1st attempt ever. fyi