Update: It’s not too late to sign up. We will be giving away free $25 gift cards once the goodie boxes are gone. Still a few boxes left.
Hey you,
My name is Tina and I’m the mama behind Free Stuff Finder. I thought to pop in and say hello, and to confess to a problem I have. Perhaps you can help me.
Here’s my problem…
I have WAY too many free samples and other freebies sent to my house. More than I know what to do with.
Can you take some off my hands? Please help!
Because we try every offer that we post on Free Stuff Finder, we end up with a large surplus of goodies without homes.
They are literally sitting in the corner of my office collecting dust. If I don’t give these away soon, I’ll end up on the show Hoarders. 🙂
Here is a picture of one such corner. Excuse the mess. Every box and bag and stash you see here contain Freebies I’ve received or picked up, just from the last 6 months.
I’ve been meaning to take photos of these for you, but ya know how it is when you are juggling kids, family and work — you end up saying “I’ll do it next week”. And before you know it, you end up with what I have pictured above: an overwhelming disaster. *smiles*
Anyway, I want to give this stuff away to you. If you want it, that is. 🙂
Here’s my solution: I recently started our VIP Freebie List (which will replace the daily emails on June 1st and becoming a Bi-Weekly newsletter. It will also be the coolest and best weekly freebie report in the planet! *wink*).
We will be randomly giving away boxes of goodies we’ve received to members of the VIP list. Membership is Free (C’mon, we’re free stuff finder. Everything’s gotta be Free baby!).
Join the list here and you could be a winner for a box of freebie goodies.
To sweeten the deal, we’ll also be doing weekly giveaways of $25 gift cards to members, and we will be announcing winners on the list only.
Additionally, we will also be holding special surprise and private giveaways during the year of cool stuff. Cool stuff like iPads, Kindles, Blenders and other goodness. You don’t want to miss it.
You can join the VIP list by clicking here or completing this short form below:
Where can I find Kelloggs codes for reward points
We post them on the blog regularly. Keep an eye out on the homepage. This page might help. 🙂
No Problem. Thanks For Having Me. If we all share in the abundance of knowledge and experiences we all can grow. Sometimes it’s aggrievating when doing paid surveys and sampling site when you don’t understand whats going on. We all want the samples and paid surveys but have never had the process explained to us. I know cause I have been doing this for awhile and learned on my own. Plus I read what’s going on cause I put alot of time into it cause I know the wealth of the internet. And I’m trying to get the most out of what I’m doing. The more you put in, the more I get out of it.
I love getting samples in the mail. I collect as many as possible. Then the ones I don’t use I allow my family & friends sort thru them and get the ones that They need. If I was to get as many as you guys get then after family & friends get them, I would donate the rest to non-profit organizations to give out to their clients. Many times that I have shared freebies with friends that are experiencing loss of income. They appreciate them. And some of them have told me that it is a way of survival until their incomes have come up to standard. Please send me all the samples you can spare. It will be greatly appreciated by all. I too sign up for samples. It some times takes up to twelve weeks to receive them. I find patience is the key to sampling
That’s awesome Donna, and great advice! Thank you for sharing 🙂
super excited!!!!! I cant wait to have the opportunity to win !!!! thanks tina!!!!
I visit this page everyday! Its my absolute favorite!
Thank you for the opportunity!! Who doesn’t love free stuff whoooooo!!
Would great to the aged they would love a surprize
Would love to take all the freebies off your hands & that you could send my way. Not being greedy, but I just don’t see how people(mostly ladies) get these nice pricey freebies in the mail. I am just getting a sample of a perfume on a pre-moistened one inch square cotton cloth; it’s not even a little tester bottle. After awhile of sitting day in & day out of applying on numerous sites it gets tiring of not getting anything of value so one gets discouraged, wants to give up & just quit totally. It’s hard to keep a positive attitude in getting samples, coupons, etc. I’m sure I’m not the only one out here that feels this way. Come on someone else share their feeling on this subject. Thanks, for allowing me to vent. Debbie
I have signed up for many samples from the site and got at least 30 in thr mail so far. I’m not sure how you do not get other great samples besides “perfume” but if you look to the left of the screen on this site there are tons of fre samples you can get. Hope this helps
I’ve been unsuccessful in uploading a coupon printer for my computer. Would love to try some of these products.
Awesome! I have college students who would love these samples! Perfect for care packages! Thanks for the opportunity!