UPDATE: This Giveaway is now over! Winner announcement has been posted on my homepage. See more Giveaways being dropped on my blog here.
Good Morning! Today I am giving away a $50 Target Gift Card to One Reader! I love shopping at Target, they have everything I need and I find great deals and clearance finds there all the time!
If you are new, I post a NEW Giveaway everyday here on the blog, just for those of you who read this site each day. All the giveaways are short-lived (between 24-72 hours).  Remember to check back on the homepage for more giveaways being dropped at random times, latest deals and winner announcements. Winners for these reader giveaways are only announced on the blog.

1. Want to Enter?
Tell me: What are your favorite things to buy at Target? And tell me where you’re reading from (city and state). Let me know by leaving a comment on this post.
This giveaway starts on September 24th and ends on Thursday, September 27th at 11:59pm PST. The Winners will be selected at random and announced on Friday morning before 12pm PST on this blog only. You will have 48 hours to claim your prize. More details later.
*Please DO NOT email me or send messages on social media about entering. You can only enter by commenting on this post. See Additional Ways to Enter below:
2. Want Another Entry?
Follow me on Instagram at @FreeStuffFinder. Then leave a separate comment to let me know.
If you already follow me on Instagram, just leave a comment.
(Side Note: other IG accounts I have that you might like: @TargetDealFinder, @OhTarget, @BeautyDealFinder, @BabyDealFinder, @CVSDealFinder, @WalgreensDeals)
3. Want a Third Entry?
Follow me on SnapChat at @FreeStuffFinder – Then leave a separate comment to let me know. Leave your snap username.
If you already follow me on SnapChat, just leave a comment.
4. Want a Fouth Entry?
Subscribe to my Email Updates on the sidebar (where it says “Join VIP”) or click here. Then leave a separate comment to let me know you’ve subscribed. Make sure your email that you subscribed with matches the email you’re entering in the comment field below.
If you’re already a subscriber, just leave a comment.
This is a Thank you Giveaway to FSF readers. This giveaway will end 11:59pm PST on Thursday, September 27th. The winners will be announced on Friday September 28th by 12pm PST. Giveaway open to U.S. residents over the age of 13 only. Up to 4 entries per person using the methods described above. Winners must email me to claim their prize within 48 hours of winners being announced. I will not be emailing winners.
Go Here for Other Giveaways I’m currently doing.
I follow you on IG
Following in instagram!!
I love target!!!! I like to buy clothes and use cartwheel for cleareance really good deals!! I also buy makeup, shoes and why not ! Groceries!! Reading from seattle wa
Hayward ca I love Target Iâm general but right now Iâm buying a whole lot of home stuff Iâm moving into my first home and we need the essentials like a plunger , trash can,and more
I love that target always tells me what I need in my life, not the other way around reading + loving from Dallas Texas
I love buying home decor items at Target (esp with the holidays coming up! I also like buying Disney merch. They tend to have a good selection of Disney clothing. Reading from Sacramento, CA.
First I want to say that I LOVE following your page!I saved so much ever since my little brother showed me about your page! Iâm from Tacoma Washington, when we go to target we love shopping for household supplies and sometimes when you post good deals such as make up,I treat myself once in awhile. Iâd love to win and treat myself to some new shoes,my nikes that I have now have a hole in it so new shoes would be so awesome! Thank you for considering
Oh Target!I usually go for a single item and leave a bunch of stuff I really donât need.I especially like kids clothing and deeply discounted holiday stuff.From Newtown Pa
From Tustin, ca I love to shop at target especially for the kids such as clothes and toys and snacks
Duarte, CA. I pretty much buy everything at target starting with my kids clothes and end up browsing all the clearance end caps for crap I donât need. We all do that. Haaa