Hosting a profitable garage sale can not only help you get organized but earn you some money. Summer is upon us and you still have all your “stuff” in your garage from all that spring cleaning that you did. Now what? Is the thought of having a garage sale a daunting task to do? Do you have plans for all that stuff you cleared out of the house? Why not sell it and get some cash for it. Read below for a few simple tips on how to have a successful garage sale and make the most out of all that cleaning that you just did.
Have a Plan
As with everything you do, get a plan together for pricing and organization. At least 2-3 days prior to your sale price things out, put like items together, and keep things organized. This will make the morning of your sale so easy and you don’t have to come up with pricing at the last minute when someone asks you “how much”. The day prior to your sale, use free local resources to advertise your sale. Craigslist is a good option for this. People who devote their Saturday mornings to garage saling often times also have a plan on what spots to hit first. Make your driveway be one of the hot spots.
Partner Up
Don’t have enough to have your own garage sale? Then ask friends and family to team up with you and have a multi family sale. Have each family put pricing on each item with their family initials so you know who gets what money. Group like items together and keep it looking organized. The more the amount of product in the driveway, the higher your chances are of more people stopping to take a look. It also makes it a little more fun when you are surrounded by good company and everyone is making a little bit of money.
Don’t forget what your objective is. Price things to sell, do not price things because you paid a set price for them. Your objective is to get rid of it and make a little bit of cash along the way. You cleared it out of your home for a reason, what else are you going to go with it? Of course always try to get the highest price possible though. If you have something marked for $2.00 and someone begins the negotiation process, entertain the thought, but also become a salesperson and explain to them why you have it priced the way you do. Maybe they don’t know the proper way something works, or that it was only used a few times. Explain to them how good of a deal it really is. As your sale in coming to and end, have a 50% off mark. This is a perfect opportunity to blast everything out of your driveway. People think they are getting and even better deal also. You’ll be amazed at how much leaves your sale during this time. Most importantly, have your prices clearly marked. Don’t get into an argument with a customer because you didn’t clearly mark your items.
Have fun with it. Garage Sales are about getting rid of your junk and letting someone else find a treasure. You never know how your clutter will enhance someone else’s life.
Written By Michelle, Free Stuff Finder Contributor