HOT Stock Up Price! Run over to Walmart and stock up on 12-Count Charmin Basic Bath Tissue! It’s regularly $4.97, but when you pair the high-value $1.00 off one Charmin Basic coupon and submit for $3.00 in cash back from Checkout51 and Ibotta, you’ll pay just $0.97 per pack ($0.08 per roll!) Check out the breakdown:
► Buy (1) Charmin Basic Bath Tissue (12 rls) = $4.97
Use (1) $1/1 Charmin Basic Bath Tissue = -$1.00
(or $1/1 Charmin Basic Bath Tissue)
Pay: $3.97
Submit for $1 Charmin cash back with Checkout51
Submit for $2 Charmin cash back with Ibotta (x5/31)
Final Price: $0.97 ($0.08 per roll!)
Prefer shopping at CVS? Score these for $0.17 Per Roll!
Check out more Walmart deals here. And see the current list of Walmart In-Store Freebies & Deals here.