(Deal ends 4/23) This week at CVS, the 12.6 oz size bottles of Ajax Dish Liquid are on sale for $0.88. And when you scan your CVS card at the CVS Coupon Machine you’ll get a $0.39 Off 1 Ajax Dish Liquid CVS coupon! So when you stack the $0.25 Off 1 Ajax Dish Liquid coupon from SmartSource 4/17 you’ll score it for only $0.24! Here’s the deal:
► Buy (1) Ajax Dish Liquid (12.6 oz) = $0.88
Use (1) $0.25/1 Ajax Dish Liquid (SS 4/17, x5/7) = -$0.25
And use (1) $0.39/1 Ajax Dish Liquid CVS Coupon = -$0.39
(scan CVS Card at CVS Coupon Machine)
Final Price: $0.24