• *HOT* $9.62 (Reg $24.50) Bath & Body Works 3-Wick Candles

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    Through 12/7, head over to Bath & Body Works for an awesome sale on their best-selling 3-Wick Candles! They’re on sale for $12.95 each (Reg $24.50) – plus, pair promo code WRAPPEDUP for $10 off $30+ orders to make these as low as $9.62 each when you buy three:

    ► Buy (3) Bath & Body Works 3-Wick Candle @$12.95/ea = $38.85
    Use promo code WRAPPEDUP ($10 off $30, x12/7) = -$10.00
    Final Price: $9.62 each or $28.85 for all three (Reg $24.50)


    Join 76 Comments Here More Bath & Body Works Deals
    76 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      This is a sweet deal. Thanks so much.

    2. 0

      They have a sale going on for the soaps, $4 a piece if you buy at least 6, and with the $10 off $30 coupon it makes them only $3.50 per soap WITH shipping added. 🙂

    3. -1

      Ladies also keep a lookout in your mailbox I received 4 coupons including a free 3 wick candle w/ purchase & 3 other offers!!

    4. -2

      This may seem irrelevant but that Piña colada looks delicious!!

    5. -3

      i added 6 candles that on sale for 10.00 for some reason they not include in bogo. can you check again?

    6. -4

      I love candles but I’ve actually never tried B&BW candles before. Which scents are the best?

    7. -5

      Can you use these promo codes in store?

    8. -6

      Thank you for this deal. I was able to buy two candles online just before it expired!
      I never tried Bath & Body Works candles before!

    9. -7

      That is an AMAZZZZZING deal!!!! Thank u!!!

    10. -8

      you can do this deal in-store and the 3 wick fresh balsam candle is free with a $40 purchase

      • -8.1

        Sweet. Thanks for sharing Tisha. I really appreciate it. 🙂

      • -8.2

        I tried asking in-store about the free fresh balsam candle with a $40 purchase and the cashiers / manager said no, they said it’s probably an online only deal, but its expired anyway. Still got my candle deal tho…Did 3 transactions, bought 5 candles each, 5x$8.50=$42.50, minus the $15 off $40 coupon = $27.50 for all, making the candles only $5.50 each! Thanks Tina!!! 🙂

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