Through 5/3, head over to LivingSocial and score a $30 Teleflora Voucher for just $12! This will get you a bouquet valued at $30, which would be perfect for Mother’s Day! Check out how to score it below:
Here’s What To Do:
- Click Here and sign up by entering your email, city and password
- Search for “Teleflora“
- Click on “50% Off Flowers at”
- Enter Promo code TREAT20 (20% Off) at checkout
- Final Price: $12
I spotted bouquets starting at just $29.99. Scroll down for some helpful tips when placing your order:
To redeem:
- Click Here to Teleflora
- Select a $30 Standard Bouquet
- Select delivery date & add to basket
- Continue to checkout
- On payment screen, enter your unique voucher from your LivingSocial purchase
- There will be a service fee that varies depending upon the location you are sending the bouquet to.
- That’s it!