Update: TODAY is the last day to put in your order for this offer!! Don’t miss out. Very rare offer.
(Offers ends 5/1 or when supplies run out!) For a limited time only, new TopCashBack members can get the Big Box of Huggies Snug & Dry ULTRA Diapers for Free + $2.03 Moneymaker! Just follow these steps to get your Freebie:
- Click here to get started
- Click on the Get Cashback button
- It will redirect you to sign in or sign up. Sign up for TopCashBack (This promo only works for new members who sign up at this step)
- After signing up, it will redirect you to a Walmart page for Huggies. If you are not redirected, click back to this page, and click on “Get Cashback” to be redirected to the Huggies page on Walmart.
- You should now be on a page on Walmart for HUGGIES Snug & Dry ULTRA Diapers, Big Pack priced at $18.97. (Important: Do everything in this window, do not open any other windows). If the price is different, then the deal is over.
- Add ONE pack of the diapers to your cart. Sizes 1-6.
- Check Out. Click on “Pickup” to pickup in stores to avoid Shipping. Or you can do “Ship to Home” and pay for the $4.97 shipping. Either option will work for cash back. (Tip: If you still see shipping cost after selecting a store, it means that you haven’t selected on “Pickup” option on the final screen)
- Click “Proceed to Checkout“. Sign in or sign up to Walmart. (Tip: You do not need to be a new walmart customer for this cash back to work). Continue to checkout, pay, until your order is placed. (You are buying the diapers. And then in 14 days will get $21 back if you followed the steps exactly) 🙂
- That’s it!
- Any cashback earned will show in your TopCashBack account within 7 days. You will get an email to confirm once its tracked.
- In 7-24 days, you will get a $21 Cash Back from TopCashBack. At which point you can cash out. (Note: Immediately after making the purchase, there are no pending status inside the account letting you know that there’s $21 cashback pending.)
- Final Price: Free + $2.03 Moneymaker
Note that you cannot add anything else to your cart, as this will make the $21 Cash Back void! Also, if you are already a member, you can get someone else from your household to sign up for TopCashBack, as there is no limit of members per household. 🙂
It can take 14 days after the deal closes to get the $21 cash back from TopCashBack.
IMPORTANT: Transactions must only contain one pack of Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra diapers priced at $18.97 to ensure $21 cashback is credited to TopCashback accounts. If another item is purchased or additional items are purchased at the same time, the cashback amount awarded will be 5% instead of $21.
Hi Tina
So i cashed out 1 month ago.. I’ve been waiting for the money to go to my account but it has never. Should I have received it by now?
I would contact them directly and ask them what the status is.
I have contacted TopCashBack regarding the .94- and they never responded to me (which was 2 weeks ago). It is now saying I got paid out the .94 cents rather than the $21 dollars. My account was legitimate- What is the best way to contact them regarding this?
Hi Chelle! I have emailed TopCashBack, in regards to the issues that people have been having. Here is what they told me: Unfortunately, we have also come across quite a few instances of members setting up multiple accounts and attempting to cash in on deals for each. The cash back for these accounts have been temporarily reduced to $0.94 cents and will be adjusted as they are verified to be legitimate accounts.
This is not to say that everyone who has received the $0.94 is using illegitimate accounts. However, it appears that they may just be taking precautions until they can get the situation resolved. I sincerely hope that they resolve this soon.
complete bullshit!!!!!! It said pending 21$ in my account then after a while I only got 0.94 cents. Also you’re supposed to get $10 for every friend who signs up and purchases, I had $20 pending for that which also disappeared. Such a scam and waste of time. The people who made the website are scum bags
Hi Kelly! I’m so sorry that this situation has been such an inconvenience for you. I contacted Top Cash Back to shed light on the issues people are having. Here’s what the told me: Unfortunately, we have also come across quite a few instances of members setting up multiple accounts and attempting to cash in on deals for each. The cash back for these accounts have been temporarily reduced to $0.94 cents and will be adjusted as they are verified to be legitimate accounts.
It’s not to say that you have created additional accounts. I believe that they are just taking precautions to verify.
I would contact them directly. I have personally used TopCashBack and they are legitimate. I hope this helps!
Hello! Did anyone notice that there $21 dollars from the huggies deal went away on topcashback? It’s no longer pending but completely gone!
Contact them immediately to find out what’s going on.
at first my cashback was pending at $21, now it went to.94. Do you know why?
Hi Jaileen, Several people have reported the same thing. I have no idea why. I did send an email to TopCashBack PR department to find out. My best guess is you can send them an email to ask what’s going on. They had advertised it to be $21 cashback.
i already did. hopefully, they can fix the issues. thank you Tina for the help!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Did you get a reply from them? Im having the same problem.
Has Topcashback responded to the .94 question?
Unfortunately, they have come across quite a few instances where members set up multiple accounts. Which is Against the terms and conditions of their deals. The cashback for suspected duplicate accounts have been temporarily reduced to $0.94 cents and will be adjusted as they are verified to be legitimate accounts.
So, it’s not saying you did this. It’s just their way of going through and verify accounts.
hi this is pretty much for everyone, I just got a final welcome email saying it takes 2 to 3 months to make transactions payable, so it might take 12 to 14 weeks. Thanks tina for this awesome freebie! 🙂
You’re welcome! and thanks for the update 🙂
I placed 4 orders last night and woke up to 4 texts from Walmart stating that they had cancelled my orders because that store was out of stock! I wish they had given me the option to pick up from a different store, but since they didn’t I’ve lost out on the deal.
Awwww… Bummer. 🙁
Hi! I signed up for topcashback.. and it sent me an email to authenticate my acct. I didn’t click to authenticate it before I bought the diapers.. will that affect my cashback?
No it won’t 🙂 It doesn’t matter what order you confirm your account in.
Does it matter if I use two different topcash accounts but the same Walmart account?
That will work. It doesn’t matter no.
It’s been more than 7 days from my original transaction and I have not received my money back from topcashback. I originally purchased the diapers April 22nd.
Does it say pending in your account for $21? If it does, you will get paid once the transaction clears. But if you don’t see the pending $21 and have received the diapers, then something went wrong when you signed up and its not tracking for the cash back. If that’s the case, you can still return the diapers to Walmart.