• *HOT* FREE Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers at Walmart!


    *Reminder: Today is the last day for this deal!!

    (Ends 4/2, 11:59pm PT) FREEBIE ALERT! NEW TopCashback members can grab FREE Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers at Walmart ($8 Value) after cash back! Head on over to create an account here. TopCashback does not limit one account per household so you can have your family members join and take advantage of this freebie 🙂

    Important: Follow the steps below exactly (New Members ONLY). If you do not follow the steps carefully, you may miss the cashback. I’ve marked important parts in bold below:

    Follow these steps:

    • Click here to get started
    • Click on the pink “Get Cashback” Button – On MOBILE? Make sure to scroll to the very bottom of page to click on “View Desktop Site“. Otherwise, the cashback button is missing on mobile
    • You’ll be redirected to sign up. (This promo is for New members ONLY)
    • [Important] After signing up, Click back here, and click on “Get Cashback” again. You’ll be redirected to the Walmart Page for Huggies Snug & Dry Jumbo Pack Diapers
    • Add a package priced at $7.97 to your cart and head to check out (Important: Do not add anything else to your cart. Also, if the price changes the deal is over)
    • Be sure to choose Free Store Pickup to avoid Shipping costs.
    • Pay for your order
    • That’s it!
    • $8.90 Cash Back will post to your account within 7 days, and the amount will become payable within 21-days. Cash back can be credited straight to your checking or PayPal account.
    • Final Price: FREE + $0.93 Moneymaker
    Check out more Walmart deals here. And see the current list of Walmart In-Store Freebies & Deals here.

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  • 21 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Out of stock for my region 🙁 bummer

    2. 0

      Your picture shows snug and dry ULTRA but the link it took me to is just for snug and dry. They are both the same price does it make a difference? I know sometimes these things can be very technical.

    3. -1

      waste of time you still got to pay at checkout

    4. -2

      It says “out of stock” and if I click the other buggies jumbo diapers that are exactly the same, will I be able to get the “cash back”?

    5. -3

      it’s no more available

    6. -4

      I do not see the link either. Help!

    7. -5

      this really isn’t a free item.
      the diapers are $7.97
      free in store pick up
      and tax is $0.56
      making the total $8.53
      so your MM is $0.07

    8. -6

      It’s good to read this comments before trying this offers :S

      • -6.1

        This is a legit offer. People who didn’t receive their rebates last time was because they were trying to create multiple accounts. The offer is good for new accounts only and TopCashBack was merely protecting themselves.

        If you are truly a new member, place one order, you WILL get your $9 cash back at which point you can cash out. I guarantee it.

        • Hi Tina I have only one acct and picked up hugies on 7.10.15 and it is more than a month and i never recieve my cash back. I think this is a scam theu one us to purchase through their link to get unformation and get $ from advertising for walmart. Pl ! dont try

    9. -7

      Did this offer before but never received my cash back from topcashback 🙁 First time I sent them an email about it, they locked my account and sent them a few more emails regarding the issue but they never responded.

      • -7.1

        Oh no. Did you create multiple account from the same computer? That may have been the problem. I know that they didn’t like that people created multiple accounts and reverted the rebate. But it does work if you are a brand new member and doing this one time.

    10. -8

      This does not work. And there is no pink cashback button.

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