Many people are surprised to learn of the wide selection of free stuff available simply by knowing where to look. While there are free things that tend to be low priced or low quality, there are many things that are of actual value. In addition to tangible items, some free stuff is in the form of services, information, or advice. If you are interested in something such as this, this article provides details on how to get free stuff of which to benefit or enjoy.
Know What You Are Looking For
One of the first steps on how to get free stuff is by being precise as to what you want or need. Because there is such a broad selection of opportunities, you have the luxury of being picky. For instance, as a teacher, your goal may be to find free stuff for the classroom, if a new mom, then perhaps free stuff would be baby items, or if you enjoy reading or listening to music, the focus would be on books and CDs being offered for a specific genre, all free.
By having a list of things most interested in finding, the search becomes easier and less time-consuming. Although some resources provide actual free stuff or links to where free stuff can be found, others are more focused on one or a few specific things. Therefore, if you know what kind of stuff you want or need, you have a much better chance of completing a successful search.
Know Where To Look
Another tip regarding how to find free stuff is to consider all possible resources. One of the more obvious is the internet where literally hundreds upon hundreds of websites offering something free can be found. However, while the internet is without doubt a wealth of opportunity it is not the only place to consider. For example, there are companies that provide free stuff for a variety of things simply by registering on the company’s website.
In addition, a great option on how to find free stuff would be to ask around. Because this has become a popular way of getting food, books, posters, teaching supplies, music, clothing, and other items, many people can share an experience and provide the place where they were able to obtain free items. Therefore, if you know of someone who does this, it would be helpful to ask names of specific resources that you too could research.
Other Free Stuff Opportunities
We can also consider offering a service in exchange for free stuff, another popular trend. One particular example would be working as a mystery shopper. In this role, you would be assigned a job that might involve eating in a restaurant or shopping at a specific store. Once the assignment is complete and a report submitted, the company would pay you money or the meal or item purchased would be free.
Another example on how to get free stuff by providing a service is with opinions. Seriously, marketing companies look for dedicated people to provide opinions on products or services used. The information is then used to determine salability of a product/service, which makes it possible for a powerful marketing strategy to be developed. For providing an opinion, you would again be paid money or sent a gift card, given a discount, or provided with an actual tangible gift free.
Hi. If you’re looking for free stuff, or want to give away stff for free, go to the new website
there you can publish or find stuff for free.
Good Lock!
how I can get free stuff because I need them .. Thank u
Hey. We post a lot of deals on how to get free stuff through free sample websites or through couponing. If you click on our homepage and the click on the “free stuff” tab, you can find a list of current freebies available. 🙂
How can I get the coupons and freebies on baby things I’m new to this and I’m trying to learn and save some money I have a 5 months and a one and 2 years old and pampers are expensive along with wips.. for 3 kids.
Hey Jasmine. There are many different places where you can get coupons. If you have a Sunday paper subscription there are coupon booklets that come almost every week. You can also print coupons from many different websites on the internet. Here is a video I put together for new couponers. I think it will be very helpful to you:
Any good websites to get free make up or feminine products ? I have mostly only found pads . free shipping too , I can give reviews .
I’m not aware of any websites, but when free samples become available I always make sure to post them. Check back often to make sure you don’t miss any great freebies. 🙂
where can I find a free website where I could find free staff for bedroom??
Hey Sade. I’m not sure where you could find a website exclusively for bedroom stuff, but we frequently post great deals on bedroom stuff. Check back often and I’m sure you’ll find some amazing things! 🙂
I’m looking for free make up and beauty supplies. what websites do u suggest?
We post about them whenever we see them. There isn’t a particular site for that. Target has free beauty product samples once in awhile. And ofcourse, we will post about it when they come around.
I am in search of free teacher supplies. What website do you suggest?
Hi Dianne! There are a lot of freebies and discounts for teachers. We post them to our website on a regular basis. Here is a link for a lot of great deals for teachers: Check our site frequently for more great offers!
I’ve been on a journey of collecting free thing ( that I will use) for about three months now, and I have to say I have gotten a lot of things just in these past three months! Now I am getting 3 to 4 free things in the mail every day (among these are headphones, speakers, tons of full sized beauty products and gift cards). A lot of free sites are sketchy like FreeFlys( a fairly popular site that I have tried and got nothing from)
I keep running into endless survey questions and still never get anything!!!!!!! Frustrating…….
Hey Viola. Keep trying. Hopefully you’ll get something soon. 🙂
Could you tell me what sites offer the best free things?
Hey Yolanda. Of course, our site offers the best free things. 😉 You can find a list of free stuff if you click on the “free stuff” tab on the homepage. 🙂
Please if you could give me a little more detail on what websites you have been going to, Im having a hard time getting anything worth the hours I spend looking. Thank you so much if you take the time to help a sister out
Hey Ashlee. We just scour the internet and post the best deals that we find. If you check our site frequently I know you’ll be able to find some good deals. Just keep trying. 🙂
do you have furniture free stuff i couldnt find any yet thanks send some feedback please from anne marie mc hardy
i need a bathroom & kitchen fast
nope no offers like that exsist at this time 🙂
i want free food plant samples ex. fox farm,floragro etc. plzzzz thanxxx
I heed a phone
Hi, if you’re looking for free stuff, go ahead, start using and let the world know about it 🙂