Cutting back your monthly budget to meet financial goals can sometimes feel overwhelming. Especially if you have a growing family, the kids are getting bigger which means their appetites are getting larger, and your pocket book is getting skinnier. Often times as families we can expect a set amount of money coming into the home, and it isn’t getting any cheaper to raise a family. So how do you stick to a monthly budget? Here are a few tips on what you can do to meet those financial goals each month and keep everyone happy in your home.
Review your monthly expenses
You need to start somewhere, and that would be giving your monthly expenses a good evaluation on what is a necessity and what is desired. Be honest when you sit down to do this. It will not be of any benefit to let your emotions come into play when dealing with the real picture. It is natural to think as time goes on the cost of necessities often go up, but you might surprise yourself given what season it is and some things might actually go down in price. Companies often times don’t advertise that they are lowering their prices, so it is of benefit to you to evaluate everything each month.
Where to save money
There are many places in the monthly budget that you could possibly save even more money. For starters evaluate all your monthly bills including Television, Cell Phone, Telephone, Internet, Utility Bills, Insurances, and even your bank fees. You could very well be paying for fees that you can get a better deal on if you enter into a new contract or perhaps your bank now offers free checking but that was not disclosed to you since you are a paying customer. Be aware of your services and the current promotions going on. You might be able to save money even if it is for a 6 month time period. It always pays to know the latest and greatest.
Grocery Shopping
This is a big one. With the cost of gas prices going up, often times as consumers the rise in prices gets passed down to us. So be smart when shopping. Go to the store prepared with a list. Don’t impulse by, stick to what you came to the store to get. Browse the weekly store ads. You don’t have to stick to one store. Go where the savings are at. Your bank account will appreciate it. Use your coupons wisely, and be sure you know each stores policy. Also, while you are going throughout the store be sure you keep track on a calculator so you don’t go over your allotment for the trip. If you do go over, think of things you can possibly put back. Maybe you grabbed three of the same item and you can get away with two.
There are many ways to stay on budget, these are just a few simple tips to get you started. Comment below and let us know what you do to save a little extra money each month. Sharing is caring, and who knows you might be able to help someone out. Happy Money Savings to you!
By Michelle, Free Stuff Finder Contributor